Saturday, 25 August 2012

Humour in aviation

We have a good time on the flight deck.  Jokes are needed to break up the day, and occasional friendly banter across the air waves are not un-common.  In fact I'm flying with a comedian at the moment, his PA announcements always bring a smile to mine and the crews face and his humour has disarmed a few angry passengers over the years.

It's not just the crew in the plane that are having fun. Those chaps at air services Australia who design the airways we fly also have the odd moment of fun.
Leaving Brisbane, near the Gabba cricket ground we fly part me and, dad an, denis lilee.  At the other end, over water we fly part the way points, leaky, boats, sinnk.  Who says humour is dead.  Though one of my favourites is over South Australia

That's right, put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone. There are many more to be found in the charts around Australia.  All I can say is humour, us pilots and aviation workers have got it going on!

What humorous  things have you found?

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